Inner Peace
Could there be a more lofty goal? Could there be a more worthwhile one?
A true cultivator of the Tao has unparallelled inner peace. Today I have been contemplating what it will take for me to obtain inner peace. Obviously this is a long and intensive process, as I'm not feeling very peaceful at the moment. I think striving for this kind of peace during turbulent times in my life is quite valuable. If I can keep some semblance of it now, then I can have confidence that I can find inner peace any time in my life.
Here are the steps I'm currently working on:
~ Embrace Change
It is a very difficult thing to do, as we humans are hard wired to resist change. Remaining flexible (flowing like a river) allows inner peace to flourish because the struggle to resist change is let go.
~ Detach from Outcomes
Not being attached to outcomes is something the Tao talks of often. My actions should come from within, not based on the potential outcomes I see. I should be motivated by simplicity, compassion, and humility in all that I do. By letting go of perceived "correct reactions" to my actions, I can keep inner peace regardless of the outcome of any situation.
~ See Truth
This is perhaps the one that I struggle with the most. I recently asked a Taoist master how I could work on my confidence. He answered simply, "See the authentic truth." This means looking at myself in a truly honest and objective manner. I tend to be quite hard on myself in all aspects, boarding on self-loathing. My husband often points out that I think everyone is better than me, even people I've never met. If I look at myself from an authentic truth, however, I know that I am no more or less worthy of anything than someone else is. Seeing truth erases judgements and allows me to accept everyone and everything as it is, even myself.
I decided that these three things will be the first steps of my thousand mile journey to inner peace.
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